Who Needs An Egg Donor? 谁需要捐卵?
TRANSCRIPTI am Dr. John Norian. I am a board certified reproductive endocrinologist from Southern California. 我是John Norian博士。我是来自南加州的美国生殖医学学会董事会认证的生殖内分泌学家。 谁需要捐卵? Slide 1: Who needs donor eggs? Older women with age related fertility decline are the main group of patients who need donor eggs. Some younger women have early ovarian failure or ovarian insufficiency where both their number of eggs and ovarian function are greatly diminished. Same sex male couples or single males also require donor eggs as part of fertility treatments. Lastly, certain rare genetic conditions may require donor eggs. 1、谁需要捐卵?与年龄相关的生育率下降的老年妇女是需要捐卵的主要群体。一些年轻女性患有早期卵巢功能衰竭或卵巢功能不全,其卵子数量和卵巢功能均大大减少。同性男性夫妇或单身男性也需要供卵作为生育治疗的一部分。最后,某些罕见的遗传病可能需要供卵。
Slide 2: We believe that women are born with a set number of eggs. Over time this number decreases each month. As women age the quality of the remaining eggs declines and is most notable between the ages of 33 to 35 years old. 2、女性天生就有一定数量的卵子。随着时间的推移,这个数字每月减少 随着女性年龄的增长,剩余卵子的质量下降,并且在33至35岁之间最为显着。 Slide 3: The decline in fertility corresponds with the loss of eggs as females age. At birth this number declines to from 6 to 7 million eggs to approximately 1 to 2 million. When you enter puberty, you have on average 400,000 eggs. Each month, whether a woman is using hormonal contraception or not, a given number of eggs will be absorbed. By menopause, on average only 1,000 eggs remain, most all of poor quality. 3、随着女性年龄的增长,生育率的下降与卵子的减少相对应。出生时,这个数字从600万到700万个减少到大约100万到200万个。当你进入青春期时,你平均有400,000个卵子。每个月,无论女性是否使用激素避孕药,都会吸收一定数量的卵子。更年期,平均只剩下1000个卵子,并且大部分质量都很差。
Slide 4: There are different screening tests to assess a woman’s response to fertility medications. These test do not assess the quality of her eggs. The eggs live in the resting antral follicles. Having more than 12 resting follicles on ultrasound predicts a favorable response to medications. Women with fewer than 5 resting follicles will not respond well to medications and may need Donor Eggs as part of their fertility treatments. In addition to an ultrasound assessment, blood tests for AMH (anti-mullerian hormone), and/or cycle day 3 FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and estradiol levels also predict a woman’s response to stimulation medications. Different cut-off values are used and you are encouraged to speak to your doctor about the results. 4、有不同的筛查测试来评估女性对生育药物的反应。这些测试不评估她的卵子的质量。卵子生活在静止的窦卵泡中。在超声波检查中有超过12个卵泡预示着对药物的有利反应。少于5个卵泡的妇女对药物反应不佳,可能需要捐卵作为其生育治疗的一部分。除了超声评估,AMH(抗穆勒氏管激素)和/或周期第3天FSH(卵泡刺激素)和雌二醇水平的血液检测也预示了女性对药物刺激的反应。使用不同的截止值,鼓励您与医生讨论结果。
Slide 5: As you age, fertility declines. Around the ages of 33 to 34 to 35 years old, your likelihood of livebirth decreases. This is true for all women whether they have had a child before or not. 5、随着年龄的增长,生育率下降。在33至34岁至35岁之间,您的生育可能性会降低。对于所有女性来说,无论她们之前是否生过孩子,都是如此。 Slide 6: As women age, they are still able to have successful live births; however, this may include using a Donor Egg from a younger woman. The live birth rate for a woman using Donor Eggs in her forties is similar to a woman who is in her late twenties. 6、随着女性年龄的增长,她们仍然能够成功地生育。 然而,这可能需要年轻女性捐卵。在四十多岁时使用捐卵的女性的成功分娩率与二十多岁时的女性相似。 Slide 7: Premature ovarian insufficiency is a rare condition that affects certain young women in their teenage years to their early thirties. There are many different causes for this. Certain chromosomal conditions such as Turner Syndrome or rare genetic conditions may cause this. It is important for women with premature insufficiency to beware of their condition and how it may impact other important body systems including their bone health and other organ functions. Women with this condition can have children with the use of Donor Eggs.
7、卵巢功能不全是一种少见的疾病,会影响到青少年时期至三十出头的年轻女性。卵巢功能不全有很多不同的原因,例如某些染色体曲线如“特纳综合征”或罕见的遗传病可能会导致这种情况。对于早产的女性来说,要注意她们的病情,以及它如何影响其他重要的身体系统,包括骨骼健康和其他器官功能,这很重要。患有这种疾病的妇女可以让使用捐卵。 Slide 8: What should you consider when selecting an Egg Donor? It is often favorable to select an egg donor in her twenties who is healthy herself without any significant family history. Intended parents often will learn about the egg donors personal traits including her hair color, eye color, height and weight. Egg donors will often write essays describing their personalities and why they would like to be an Egg Donor. 8、选择卵子捐赠者时应该考虑什么?选择二十多岁的卵子捐赠者通常是有利的,她自己是健康的,没有任何重要的家族遗传病史。需要了解捐卵者的个人特征,包括她的头发颜色,眼睛颜色,身高和体重。捐卵者通常需要文字说明自己的性格以及为什么要成为捐卵者。 Slide 9: Same sex male couples or single males who want to conceive need donor eggs and a gestational carrier, a different woman who will carry the pregnancy but not have a direct biologic link to the child. State regulations and laws differ, so you are encouraged to work with a local agency and reproductive specialist. In these situations, extra steps need to be taken in order to ensure the health and safety of everyone involved, including the developing fetus. This is overseen by the FDA. 9、想要怀孕的同性男性伴侣或单身男性需要捐卵(男同性和单身男性想要生育则需要代孕妈妈------91喜来宝注),代孕妈妈也需要捐卵。代孕妈妈怀孕但与孩子没有直接的生物学遗传联系。不同的州法规和法律有所不同,因此您需要与当地机构以及生殖专家合作。在这些情况下,需要采取额外措施,以确保所涉及的每个人以及发育中的胎儿的健康和安全。这是由FDA负责监督。
Slide 10: Many different people require the use of an Egg Donor, particularly women with age related fertiltiy decline. Several screening tests, can assess a woman’s ovarian reserve and her response to fertility stimulation medications. Premature ovarian insufficiency is rare and often requires the use of an egg donor to assist with a woman’s fertility. There are many different factors to consider when selecting an Egg Donor including her age, personal health history, and family history. 10、许多不同的人需要捐卵,特别是与年龄相关的生育力下降的女性。几项筛查测试,可以评估女性的卵巢储备和她对生育刺激药物的反应。卵巢早衰是不常见的,通常需要使用卵子捐赠来帮助卵巢早衰的女性生育。选择捐卵者时需要考虑许多不同的因素,包括她的年龄,个人健康史和家族史。