After their only children died, two elderly couples have gone to extreme lengths to carry on their family line through surrogacy, reported Beijing News on Tuesday. 周二,据“新京报”报道,在他们唯一的孩子死亡后,两对老年夫妇花了很大力气,通过代孕延续他们的家庭。 ![]() Shen Jie and Liu Xi, a couple from Yixing, East China's Jiangsu province, died in a road accident on March 20, 2013. It happened five days before a scheduled transplantation that would embed embryos created using in vitro fertilization to the woman's womb to help the infertile couple have children. 来自华东江苏宜兴的夫妇沈先生杰和刘曦于2013年3月20日因交通事故死亡。事件发生在计划移植前5天,该移植将使用体外受精产生的胚胎移植入代孕妈妈子宫帮助不孕夫妇获得孩子。 As Shen and Liu were both the single children of their families, the embryos preserved at Nanjing Gulou Hospital became their grieved parents' only hope of carrying on their family line. 由于申和刘都是他们家庭的独生子女,保存在南京鼓楼医院的胚胎成为了他们悲伤的父母继承家庭的唯一希望。 However, as there is no regulation in China on how to dispose of non-transplanted human embryos, the parents of Shen and Liu had encountered obstacles in retrieving the embryos from the hospital. 然而,由于中国没有关于如何处理未移植的人类胚胎的规定,沈先生和刘的父母在从医院获取胚胎方面遇到障碍。 ![]() To obtain the rights to dispose of the embryos, the parents of Shen Jie brought a lawsuit against the parents of Liu Xin because "suing the hospital would be too risky." 为了获得处置胚胎的权利,沈先生杰的父母向刘鑫的父母提起诉讼,因为“起诉医院风险太大”。 In the first trial of the case, the Yixing People's Court rejected the petition of Shen's parents to take the embryos back from the hospital on the grounds that "an embryo has the potential to develop into a life, so it is not allowed to be transferred or inherited like other objects." 在此案的第一次审判中,宜兴市人民法院驳回了申请父母将医院胚胎带回医院的请愿书,理由是“胚胎有可能发展成为生命,所以不允许转移或像其他对象一样继承。“ But the couple was granted the rights to dispose of the embryos in the second trial by the Intermediate Court of Wuxi considering "the embryos left by Shen and Liu are the only carriers of the two families' bloodlines, and they carry the memories of their parents and can provide emotional consolation to them." 但这对夫妇被授予无锡市中级法院二审处置胚胎的权利,考虑到“沈先生和刘留下的胚胎是这两个家族血统的唯一携带者,他们携带着父母的记忆并能为他们提供情感上的安慰。“ ![]() In September 2014, after winning the rights to deal with the embryos, Shen Xinnan, the father of Shen Jie, asked Gulou Hospital of Nanjing to hand over the embryos to him. 2014年9月,沈杰之父沈先生在获得胚胎处理权后,要求南京鼓楼医院将胚胎移交给他。 The hospital, however, said the embryos could only be transferred to another medical institution rather than an individual. 不过,医院说胚胎只能转移到另一个医疗机构而不是个人。 As no hospitals in China were willing to accept the embryos, Shen was forced to look to medical institutions overseas. 由于中国没有医院愿意接受胚胎,沈先生不得不到海外的医疗机构寻求帮助。 In June 2016, he obtained approval for receiving the embryos from a hospital in Laos with the help of an agency that offers surrogate parenting services. 2016年6月,他在一家提供代理养育服务的机构的帮助下获得了从老挝医院接受胚胎的批准。 ![]() The two couples then recovered the embryos from the Nanjing Gulou Hospital and kept them in a liquid nitrogen container. 然后两对夫妇从南京鼓楼医院收集胚胎,并将它们放在液氮容器中。 After retrieving the embryos, the couples faced another problem - how to find a surrogate mother? 在获得胚胎后,夫妇面临另一个问题 - 如何找到代孕妈妈? According to a regulation issued by the then-Ministry of Health in 2001, surrogacy is banned in China. The regulation states that "assisted reproductive technologies should be used in accordance with the country's family planning policies, ethics and related laws" and "any form of surrogacy is not allowed." 根据当时的卫生部2001年颁布的规定,中国禁止代孕。该条例规定:“应根据国家的计划生育政策,道德和相关法律使用辅助生殖技术”和“不允许任何形式的代孕”。 That meant the desperate parents had to seek surrogacy services from underground agencies. 这意味着绝望的父母必须从地下机构寻求代孕服务。 Shen Xinnan had contacted dozens of surrogacy agencies before he met a man named Liu Baojun, who runs such an agency. 沈先生在与一位名叫刘宝钧的男子进行接触之前,已经联系了几十位代理机构。 At Liu's suggestion, Shen chose a hospital in Laos to receive the embryos as commercial surrogacy was not prohibited in the country (Laos has promulgated a regulation that bans commercial surrogacy in January). 根据刘的建议,沈先生选择老挝的一家医院接受胚胎,因为该国不禁止商业代孕(老挝在2018年1月颁布了禁止商业代孕的法规)。 ![]() A Laotian surrogate mother was chosen among more than 20 candidates to carry the embryos. After the embryos were transplanted into her uterus, the pregnant woman stayed at a house in Laos shared with several other surrogate mothers to prepare for delivery. 老挝代孕妈妈被选为20多名候选人携带胚胎。在将胚胎移植到她的子宫后,孕妇住在老挝的一栋房屋中,与其他几位代孕母亲共同准备分娩。 During her pregnancy, Liu regularly informed Shen of the condition of the surrogate mother. 在她怀孕期间,刘经常告诉申代孕妈妈的状况。 "We tried not to let her feel uncomfortable because she was put under special care and different from the other surrogate mothers," said Liu. “我们尽量不让她感到不舒服,因为她受到特别照顾,与其他代孕妈妈不同,”刘说。 On Dec 9, 2017, the Laotian woman gave birth to a baby boy in a hospital in Guangzhou, South China's Guangdong province. His maternal grandmother gave him the name Tiantian (literally sweetness) in the hopes of bringing happiness and sweetness to the bereaved families. 2017年12月9日,老挝女子在广东省广州市一家医院生下一名男婴。他的外祖母给了他一个名字田田(字面上是甜美的),希望为失去亲人的家庭带来快乐和甜蜜。 ![]() When Tiantian was 100 days old on March 18, Shen Xinnan arranged a low-profile celebration for his grandson. 当3月18日天天满百日时,沈先生新男为他的孙子安排了一场低调的庆祝活动。 "This boy is [destined to be] sad upon his arrival into the world. He does not have parents. We will have to tell him the truth one day. That is inevitable," said Shen. 沈先生说:“这个男孩在出生时注定要伤心,他没有父母,有一天我们必须告诉他事实真相,这是不可避免的。 Shen said he would lie to Tiantian that his parents had gone overseas, and then tell him the truth when he grows old enough. 沈先生说,他会瞒着天天,他的父母已经出国了,然后在他长大后告诉他真相。 |
fortran 发表于 2020-5-16 20:23